Lesson 1: Why the Bible is the Word of God

God's Word is designed and intended:

How will those who have died in Christ receive eternal life?

Our ultimate role and purpose involves:

When the apostles spoke of the Scriptures, they referred primarily to:

How can we have confidence that the Hebrew writings are an accurate and reliable source of God's revelation to man?

The only reliable and proven source that truly reveals God's purpose for human existence and our part in His plan is:

What is the complete written source of God's revealed knowledge?

All Scripture (both Old and New Testaments) is:

The Gospels record of the life and times of Jesus Christ is founded upon:

The Bible is unique because:

Jesus Christ, the One who died for our sins:

God's eternal values and standards, which are expressed by His love, are the basis of:

What names are generally given to the first five books of the Bible?

What did the Roman general Pompey find so unusual when he entered the Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem?

We understand more about God through:

The God of the Bible:

Who was the great Prophet mentioned in Acts 3:20-23?

God's existence, as revealed in the Bible, can also be understood by the fact that:

What is the ultimate purpose for which God created men and women?

The main purpose of studying the Bible is to learn about:

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