Who or what is primarily responsible for the spiritual disinformation that grips this world? Man’s human nature. Demons. Satan’s cunning and deception. Babylon the Great.
Who wrote the first five books of the Bible? Adam. Moses. Aaron. Joshua.
What has Satan’s desire been and what does it continue to be? Deceive people of other religions besides Christianity. Deceive the whole world. Deceive nominal Christians. All of the above.
Where did the apostles mainly quote Scripture from, after the crucifixion? Christ’s oral sayings. The New Testament. The Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament. The Apocrypha.
What does the first book of Moses, Genesis, mean in the Greek language? Inspired. Recorded. Beginning. Written.
What is the main benefit of God’s law? It makes interesting night-time reading. It teaches us how to love God and each other. It is how we receive salvation. It informs us of what we no longer need to do.
What canonical book of biblical philosophy did King Solomon write? Ecclesiasticus. Job. Ecclesiastes. Tobit.
In terms of the written word, who are the three major prophets of the Old Testament? Daniel, Hosea and Elijah. Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Nathan, Zechariah and Habakkuk. Jonah, Malachi and Micah.
How can we express God’s love more perfectly? By having a perfect understanding of the Bible. By keeping the Ten Commandments perfectly. By having the gift of the Holy Spirit. By having a working knowledge of Hebrew and Greek.
What is the threefold division of the Hebrew Scriptures, as recognized by Jesus Christ? The Law, the Prophets and the Apocrypha. The Law, the Prophets and the Writings. The Law, the Major Prophets and the Minor Prophets. None of the above.
Why is Solomon considered the wisest man of ancient times? He wrote Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. He was the son of King David. He built the first temple of God. God gave him special wisdom.
According to Ecclesiastes what is man’s main duty? To hold a firm belief in God. To love one’s enemies. To fear God and keep His commandments. To be a good citizen.
To whose ancient period did Christ compare world conditions just prior to His return? Noah’s. Moses’. Abraham’s. Elijah’s.
What was one of Christ’s purposes for coming into the world? To show us overcoming was not difficult. To provide the perfect sacrifice for us. To experiment with being human. To do away with the law.
What kind of knowledge should we seek? The knowledge of God. Secular knowledge. Technical knowledge. A high IQ.
Who was Paul? One of the original apostles. Chosen by Peter as an apostle. Specially chosen by Christ. Over Peter in authority.
Which New Testament apostle put Paul’s writings on a level with the other Scriptures? John. Peter. James. Barnabas.
What does King Jehoiakim’s destruction of the scroll delivered to him from Jeremiah show? That Jeremiah’s writings had no credibility. A dangerous disrespect for God’s word. That we can accept or dismiss God’s inspired word if we want to. That kings have the authority to overrule God’s prophets.
Who or what was the true source of the inspiration of David? Nathan the prophet. The Holy Spirit of God. Asaph the magician. Zadok the priest.
The New Testament writers’ attitude toward the Hebrew Scriptures is evident in that: They clearly distanced themselves from the Hebrew Scriptures. They joined with Christ in doing away with Old Testament law. Showed the literary value of those writings but gave no value to their theology. They constantly gave credence to the Hebrew Scriptures by often quoting them.