What does the first horseman of the Apocalypse depict? War. Religious deception. Disease. Famine.
Which trumpet blast signifies the second coming of Jesus Christ? The first. The seventh. The fifth. The fourth.
What does Bible prophecy reveal? Mankind will become extinct. Mankind will be spared. Only the flora and fauna survive. Only the angels survive.
Concerning end-time events leading to Christ’s second coming: There is nothing we can do in preparation. There is no danger to religious people. We should pay little attention to world news and trends. We are to diligently prepare ourselves spiritually.
What does the word "Messiah" mean? Vassal king. Chief Levitical priest. "Anointed One". The house of Aaron.
How does Satan’s influence affect the world? Of little weight. Virtually the same as Hollywood’s. Confined to non-Western countries. All pervasive except when God overrides it.
What do the prophecies of Matthew 24 correspond more closely with? Revelation, chapter 6. Revelation, chapter 20. Isaiah, chapter 2. Hosea, chapter 1.
Who does Satan persecute when he sees his time is short? The true Church of God. The Roman Catholic Church. The European Beast power. Russia and China.
What is Bible prophecy? Entirely of man’s own devising. Left to Satan to work out. A prediction of coming events by God Himself, often through His prophets. Finds its total fulfillment in the Third Angel’s Message?
What does the Bible reveal? God Himself foretells the future. God foretold the future through Nostradamus. God has no idea about the future. God has left the future to man’s own devices.
Who will be surprised by end time events? The entire world. One person. The Church of God. Most people.
What happens just before the time of Satan’s removal for 1,000 years (Rev 20:1-3)? Jesus raptures His saints. Christ will begin to re-educate the whole world. Men and women finally experience everlasting life in the human flesh. The 144,000 go to heaven.
What does Bible prophecy picture? All bad news. All good news. None of the above. Both good news and bad news.
Who is directly responsible for most of mankind’s suffering? Satan and man himself. God. All of the above. The righteous angels.
What is a result of the sixth trumpet plague? A fourth of mankind is killed. Loss of life is minimal. A third of mankind is killed. Two thirds of mankind is killed.
The fourth and final Kingdom, mentioned in Daniel 2 and yet to fully emerge on the world scene, will be: The Asian empire. A combine of the US and Latin America. Viking power restored to Scandinavia. A final resurrection of the Roman Empire in continental Europe.
What is the principal prophetic book of the New Testament? Matthew. Hebrews. Revelation. I Thessalonians.
Spiritually speaking, what is the principal underlying threat to humanity? Famine. War. Lack of God’s knowledge. Disease.
In terms of potential mass destruction by means of war, the world changed forever in the year: 1900 1945 1989 2000
When most people experience the dramatic fulfillment of the horrendous end-time prophecies they will: Immediately repent of their evil deeds. Stubbornly continue to defy their Creator. None of the above. Simply give up and quit.