What Is the Gospel of the Kingdom?

Is the work of organized religion the Kingdom of God on earth today? This is the central idea that shapes the view of the religious world. But is this the same Kingdom of God the Bible describes?


Is the work of organized religion the Kingdom of God on earth today?

Where Does the Story Begin?

How does the Bible describe the Kingdom of God, and when did God begin revealing information about His Kingdom to mankind?

The Choice: Which Way of Life?

Trust in God is the result of a choice. God's way of life was not the only choice our first parents faced.

The Need for a Redeemer

God denied access to the tree of life to Adam and Eve and their descendants until the promised Seed, the Messiah, would appear and redeem them and permanently reconcile them to God.

The Beginning of God's Chosen People

God began a process that would bring blessings to every inhabitant of earth. Through Abraham and his descendants, God would begin a temporary physical kingdom, the nation of Israel.

Israel: God's Temporal Kingdom

We learn of a direct relationship between the dynasty of kings God promised would descend from Abraham and David and the Kingdom of God preached by Jesus Christ.

Daniel Forsees the Kingdom of God

Daniel was not only able to describe the King Nebuchadnezzar's dream but to explain its prophetic meaning.

The King of the Coming Kingdom

Was the birth of a messianic King revealed through the prophets? Will Jesus, the Messiah, rule over a literal, physical kingdom? Did Jesus acknowledge He was born to be a king? Discover the answers to these questions!

The Gospel Jesus Taught

From the beginning of Christ's earthly ministry, He focused on the Kingdom of God.

The Apostles Teach the Same Gospel

To enter into and share in the Kingdom of God is consistently given as the ultimate goal of believers in Christ.

A Counterfeit Gospel Arises

Satan deceives mankind by counterfeiting and corrupting the teachings of God.

The Reign of a New Kingdom

Will a miraculous, unprecedented event accompany Christ's return? Will people brought up in this resurrection rule with Christ in His Kingdom? Discover answers to these questions and more!

The Kingdom in the Gospels

The theme of many of Christ's parables is God's Kingdom.

Christ's Parables and the Kingdom

Did Jesus expect everyone to understand His parables about the Kingdom of God?

Three Facets of the Gospel

From the beginning God has shown His desire to build an eternal relationship with the human race. The gospel includes three aspects of His plan to build this spiritual relationship. All center on Jesus Christ.

The Essence of the 'Everlasting Gospel'

God's message to mankind is eternal and consistent. He has always emphasized the importance of our having a relationship with Him as our Creator.


Our world is dominated by the great deceiver, Satan the devil. Jesus Christ came bearing the good news, the gospel, of the Kingdom of God.

Points to Ponder

These questions are intended as a study aid, to spur further thought on the concepts discussed in this lesson and to help you apply them on a personal level.


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