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Christian Living

"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matthew 7:13-14, NKJV)
We should expect to face our share of difficulties as we strive to live as Christ did. Our Christian Living articles aim to expound on just what it means to be a Christian: the way of life we need to be living, the obstacles we’ll face, how to overcome them and the rewards that await us.
A Saving Work
There came a time in the ministry of Jesus Christ when His disciples asked a very poignant question. “Then th...
About Grief: Especially for Men
Grief is the emotion and pain we feel over significant losses in our lives. Grief counselors suggest some of...
Am I My Brother's Keeper?
It seems so easy today to become engrossed in our own affairs where we lose sight of our duty to our fellowman....
Are Your Prayers Lacking Faith?
We are frequently asked to pray for individuals who are suffering through various sicknesses or trials. Ho...
As We Purpose in Our Hearts
A question that is sometime asked this time of year is “How much should I give for an offering?”  No spec...
Be Hearty in Approbation and Lavish in Praise
Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.” This expression is emphasized in the book, How To W...
Building on a Sure Foundation
“For any other foundation can no one lay than the one being laid, who is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11).C...
The dictionary defines a censor as a person authorised to examine letters, books, films etc. and to remove o...
Changing the Status Quo
It was 70 years in the making enlisting the aid of hundreds of volunteers, and was overseen by a single-minde...
Christian Paradoxes
We live in a very interesting age. Through human reason and inventions, we have mobile homes that don’t move...
Curiosity: Good and Bad
One of the many traits humans were given at creation was the ability to be curious. Curiosity means the desir...
Desperate Measures
I listened to a sermon once, which described how a man literally escaped from the jaws of a lion. The lion had s...
Don't Bite Your Tongue
I have a problem. It’s not until you try to fix a problem that you realize how deep the issue runs and how hard it...
Fear Factor
It seems that people everywhere today are suffering from some sort of mental strain. Millions worry about f...
Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Age 21
It is said that hind-sight is 20/20. Progress is made when the generation that is kicking itself is able to pa...
God’s Assembly Line
We have all heard songs about “the end of the road” or “the end of the line.” Truth is that we are all on the assem...
God's Concern For Man's Heart
Throughout the Bible we see that God has always been concerned with human motivations.Andrew Lloyd Webber...
Is Ignorance Bliss?
I cannot remember when the saying, “Ignorance is Bliss,” first came to my ears. It seems to have been around f...
Land Mines of Life
Do you remember the Gulf War many years ago? Do you remember seeing all the oil and gas fires that Saddam Husse...
Listen to the Whisper
A young and successful executive is driving a bit too fast down a neighbourhood street. He watches for kids d...
Living in a Troubled World
Is Canadian society getting meaner? Year by year, it seems people are getting less civil to one another. Is i...
"Do not say, "Why were the former days better than these?" For you do not inquire wisely concerning this" (Ec...
Old Age: God's Blessing
In His great wisdom, God saw fit to allow human beings to go through their allotted years in pre-established...
Our "Rod of Iron" - A User's Guide
As Christians we are familiar with the many scriptures that reveal our destiny to have rulership over this w...
Our Appetites
A little while ago my family bought some new pets: a pair of budgies. We noticed that they really seemed to enj...
Peace and Unity in the Church
In my early years in the church, it never occurred to me that there would be divisions and splits in the church...
Practicing What We Preach
A subscriber to the Good News magazine sent a letter to the United Church of God Home Office acknowledging th...
Preparation for Passover and Unleavened Bread
It is easy to get overwhelmed this time of year. We have to clean our residences stem to stern as well as prepar...
Putting Meditation to Work
With lightning swiftness and a single swipe, the pail and milk stool were swept from my grasp. As I struggled...
Recently a friend of mine posted on his Facebook page a photo showing his whole family at his father’s 91st bi...
Second Generation Christians
I was a preschooler when my parents were called and joined what was then a fledgling Radio Church of God, late...
Simplicity that is in Christ
Humans seem inclined to make complicated something that is intended to be simple. God is far more complicat...
So Run, That You May Obtain
There are many analogies of the Christian life in God's Word. It is sometimes likened to a soldier on active d...
Spring Cleaning
Cleaning prior to Unleavened Bread can be a chore to dread or a wonderful way to augment our preparation for P...
The Bowl of Soup
Many years ago, in Geneva, Switzerland, a middle-aged business woman walked into a self-service restaura...
The Christian Huddle
“Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses...
The Crippling Effect of Fear
When the Israelites left Egypt they left with a high hand (Exodus 14:8). They were rejoicing, but God gave th...
The Master Has Delayed His Coming?
In Matthew 24, a special discourse took place between Christ and his disciples. The disciples were showing...
The Poor In Spirit
There is something special about attending a major-league sporting event. Hard work, team work, dedicati...
The Power of Encouragement
A middle-aged man from the US relaxes at his New Brunswick cottage, after an all-day outing with his family....
The Sheep and the Goats
Have you ever wondered what Jesus Christ will say to you when you meet Him for the very first time? All kinds of...
The Storm
Friday, September 6, 2014, started out like any other day. However, it ended much differently than it began...
True Success
What have the “seven laws of success” to do with the Feast of Tabernacles?As many will recall, many years ago...
Using our Talents to the Maximum
As we approach Pentecost, it is a good time for us to take stock to determine how we are going to better ourselv...
What Do You Mean, Believe?
Many have been told that all they need to do is believe in God to be saved and to receive the benefit of all His pr...
Who Are We?
A strange question, isn't it? Quite apart from our own vivid awareness of our lives, our existence is surely...
Who Do You Think You Are–God?
Humans were destined to have a major part in all God has planned for eternity!There will never be an end to the...
Who, Me? It's Not My Fault
The very first experience of human misconduct, when held to account, resulted in denial of truth and realit...
Why Do We Resist Change?
Some people say there are two things that are sure in life – death and taxes. (This phrase was coined by someon...
Will You Jump Into The Lake Too?
When I was a little boy my mother would often caution us against blindly following the lead of others. She wou...
Youth and Old Age Security
You’ve heard the adage, “what goes around, comes around.” Scripture states it a bit differently, “So as we s...
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