Bible Study Tools / Feast Of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets: Christ’s Second Coming

by Sixto Yap

Her daughter-in-law gave her a small flower-shaped box. She was puzzled since the box felt light and empty. In the box was a round pin with the words: “I’m going to be a grandma.” It was an announcement of a coming baby – the first for the couple after two years of marriage. The baby will also be the first grandchild for both sides of the family. The future uncles and aunts are all excited about this new addition to the family. New topics, such as such as experiencing pregnancy for the first time, morning sickness, parent readiness and experiencing the baby moving have been added to the weekly family dinner discussions. Everyone is happy and thankful to the giver of life – our Creator God.

The fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets is the next glorious event that will happen to this earth according to God’s plan. This is the moment that believers anticipate. It signals the second coming of Jesus Christ and the birth of the first humans to be born as spirit beings in God’s Kingdom. It is the first phase of God’s plan. The second phase will be during the Millennium and the third phase will be in the second resurrection.

God created humans with the ultimate purpose of making them part of His family in His coming Kingdom. Every human will be offered that opportunity to learn and live according to God’s way of life and according to God’s time as He planned it.

Just as a family eagerly awaits the birth of a new life, God is also excitedly waiting for the coming birth of His physical creation into His family as the fulfillment of His plan. There will be great rejoicing in heaven and earth when that day happens (Luke 15:7). Rejoicing will be in the whole creation that groans waiting for that great day (Romans 8:22).

Jesus instructed His disciples and all believers to pray, “Thy Kingdom come.” In the book of Revelation, those who were martyred prayed for God’s intervention in this world. Yet they were told to wait for those whom God would yet call who would have the same fate as they (Revelation 6:11).

For the time being, God instructed His disciples to continue doing the work of preaching the gospel unto the entire world and teaching converts about God’s way. Just like a baby who needs to be nurtured to grow physically, believers must also grow and mature spiritually to be born as spirit beings into God’s Kingdom. We should continue assembling together (Hebrews 10:25) as this is an opportunity to learn and share God’s way with one another.

The government and gifts of God are provided for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ until we come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man and to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13).

Every family anticipates the coming birth of a new member into the family. God is definitely rejoicing that His plan of salvation – to bring many children to glory – will come soon. Heaven and the whole creation are excitedly waiting for that day when new members of God’s family will be born into His Kingdom. May God speed that day!

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