Bible Study Tools

God's Holy Days

"These are the feasts of the Lord, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times." (Leviticus 23:4, NKJV)
Is it possible to know what the future holds? The Creator of mankind has an incredible plan for us, and He reveals it through an annual cycle of festivals described in the Scriptures.
A Harvest Most Abundant
This past winter seemed especially long. One person quipped that they were looking forward to the end of win...
A Vital Part of God’s Master Plan
The book of Acts begins with about 120 disciples of Jesus Christ waiting during the interval between the Pas...
An Invitation Like No Other
Do you remember the first invitation you ever received? Perhaps you were still in grade school and you were g...
Anticipating the Spring Feast
As winter draws to a close and spring begins to make its appearance, we realize that the Passover and Feast of...
As It Was In the Days Of Noah
Looking for signs of the return of Christ to this earth and the induction of God’s Kingdom is not new. The disc...
Betrayed by a Friend
One of the best known accounts in the Bible is that of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus Christ. Jesus was destined to s...
Christian Paradoxes
We live in a very interesting age. Through human reason and inventions, we have mobile homes that don’t move...
Christ's Return: Ending the Ravage of War
Can humanity ever do more than just dream of universal peace on this planet they inhabit? The absence of warf...
Some time ago, I filled in the necessary forms to apply for Canadian citizenship. It has been an interesting...
Count Fifty
Mortal man faces an insurmountable obstacle in his multifarious attempts to understand who or what God is,...
“One, two, three, four . . . . Here I come ready or not!” Most of us have played the childhood game of Hide and See...
Dominion of Canada
In Canada, July 1 is celebrated as Canada Day. As many will remember, there was a time when July 1 was not known...
Don't Bite Your Tongue
I have a problem. It’s not until you try to fix a problem that you realize how deep the issue runs and how hard it...
Feasting With a Focus
During the depths of a long, arduous winter, one of my sources of hope is a good quality colour seed catalogue...
Fifty Days and Counting
Prior to returning to Heaven, Jesus instructed His followers not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for t...
From Feast to Famine to Feast
Another Feast of Tabernacles has come and gone. For eight days we rehearsed the Kingdom of God and looked ahe...
Very few events have been so carefully documented as those occurring in the Garden of Gethsemane almost 2,0...
God’s Fall Feasts
Four of the seven annual Holy Days that God calls “My feasts” (Leviticus 23:2) fall closely together in the s...
God’s Timetable
We can know that this universe has been unfolding for a long time and that the earth has undergone dramatic ch...
God's Feasts: Too Much Trouble?
The first Feast of Tabernacles our family observed was in 1965. We had been in the Church just short of a year,...
Gossip: A Tool of the Devil
Can someone in God's church ever become a pawn in the hands of the devil?Have you ever allowed Satan to influe...
Grandma’s Lectures
Grandma was only 17 when she married my grandfather who was 31. That formed the background for many lectures...
If I Could Keep the Feast Over Again
There are many reasons for why we may desire to keep the Feast over again. It is like a two-sided coin. On the on...
In Favour With God and Man
Luke records that Jesus and His family traveled to Jerusalem each year for the Feast of the Passover. Jesus w...
Keep Alive the Vision of the Feast
God wants us to believe the dream of the wonderful World of Tomorrow. This past Feast in part was to ‘sell’ us f...
Leaven: the Puffed-Up Principle
Have you ever watched bread dough after it is set in a warm place rise, or watched with anticipation through t...
Less Than Perfect
A short time ago I had a conversation with one of my sons, who is a pathologist. I expressed a concern about the...
Lessons From Footwashing
As a young boy I lived in an isolated forestry village. Our home had neither running water nor electricity. A...
Man’s Duties in God’s Plan
What is the Feast of Unleavened Bread? How do we keep these feast days? What is their significance to mankind...
Moses and Passover Reflections
Each Passover brings a cycle of self-examination. No matter how spiritually mature we are, we all fall shor...
Our Best Feast Ever?
Just a few weeks ago, we observed the Feast of Tabernacles. For some, it was at the local Feast site. Some of us...
Pentecost and the Law
Pentecost. The Feast of Firstfruits. Feast of Weeks. There are many beautiful applications to this Feast....
Preparation for Passover and Unleavened Bread
It is easy to get overwhelmed this time of year. We have to clean our residences stem to stern as well as prepar...
Preparing for the Feast of Tabernacles
All year long we attend weekly Sabbath services, but once a year leave our homes for a holiday destination to...
Preparing for the Spring Feasts
Our Father God, and His son Jesus Christ, are Master teachers. They who created us, know that we learn best wh...
Preserving Momentum After the Feast
Among the billions of people who live in the world now and who have ever lived, there have been a wide range of g...
Raising an Army of Firstfruits
René Carmille seemed like another French collaborator. After all, it was Carmille, a government bureaucr...
Search and Examine
Have you ever searched for something you knew you had, but just could not discover where it was hiding? Sever...
Slain From Before the Foundation of the World
In every book of the New Testament there is reference made to the death of the Son of God. God knew the Redeemer...
Suicide Bombers: the Modern Terror
Many were appalled by the events of 9/11 in which airliners were purposely flown into the North and South Tow...
Symbolic Lessons From Passover
As we approach God’s Passover each year, it is beneficial to review Israel’s first Passover with its very me...
Take a Listening Heart to the Feast
When you see or hear the word feast what comes to mind? To members of the Church of God, the word relates to a won...
The Better Travel Plan
During the long winter months we come across many advertisements urging us to take a winter vacation in a war...
The Bread of Affliction
Some of the foods many of us enjoy today were those we had to acquire a taste for. Do you remember the first time...
The Feast of Pentecost
To reveal His plan for mankind, God chose annual Sabbaths (Holy Days) based on the harvest seasons in Palest...
The Feast of Trumpets: Christ’s Second Coming
Her daughter-in-law gave her a small flower-shaped box. She was puzzled since the box felt light and empty....
The Firstfruits to God
Any parent will tell you that it is an unforgettable experience to have the first-born child. Nothing compa...
The Gift of Pentecost
What is the greatest gift God could ever bestow on the human race? If you asked a dozen people, the chances are...
The Hope and Promise of Spring
There is so much hope and promise associated with spring. As a person ages, winter seems to last longer. Virt...
The Illegal Trial of Jesus Christ
“After two thousand years a brilliant lawyer proves that Jesus of Nazareth was tried and condemned to death...
The Joy of Church
Do you remember your first Feast of Tabernacles? Mine was 1966 in Squaw Valley, California. What a magnific...
The Last Enemy
“In the midst of life we are in death” goes one expression. Another, in a lighter vein, claims, “There’s noth...
The Last Great Day & Righteous Judgment
The Last Great Day pictures a time when billions of humans who have never had the knowledge of truth will be gi...
The Leaven of the Third Person Defense
At Unleavened Bread we focus a lot on what the apostle Paul had to say about spiritual leaven.“Therefore let...
The Only Sign of Authenticity
People in Christ's day and age repeatedly pressed him for a “sign.” They wanted some spectacular supernatu...
The Problem With Pride
Fourteen years into King Hezekiah’s reign in Judah, invading troops of an Assyrian king named Sennacherib...
The Renewal of Spring
Do you remember the first set of plans you ever saw? Do you remember the first set of plans you ever had in your h...
The Scarlet Cord
Two men set out on a dangerous assignment. It was a secret spy mission involving a trek of 2-3 days. They were t...
The Spirit of Pentecost
The Spirit of God, or Holy Spirit, is one of the most basic and important themes to be found throughout God’s W...
The True “Spirit” of Tabernacles
Every year we attend the Feast of Tabernacles with great enthusiasm and in accordance with God’s command. W...
The Trumpet Shall Sound
For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, with the trump o...
The Ultimate Sacrifice
Astronauts returning from a space mission have often commented on the incredible beauty of our planet as vi...
Trees of Righteousness
The Bible has a fair amount to say about trees. It begins with the two trees in the Garden of Eden and ends with t...
True Success
What have the “seven laws of success” to do with the Feast of Tabernacles?As many will recall, many years ago...
Using our Talents to the Maximum
As we approach Pentecost, it is a good time for us to take stock to determine how we are going to better ourselv...
What Does Unleavened Bread Teach Us?
All New Testament instruction harmonizes perfectly with the Old Testament, because the God of the Old Test...
What I Learned from my Sister
She was beautiful with wavy black hair and blue eyes. Her complexion was like that of a china doll. I thought s...
Why Did Jesus Warn “Beware of Leaven?”
During His ministry Jesus often used the term “beware”. He told His followers to beware of men for they will d...
Why Remove Sandals?
When God called to Moses to approach His appearance in the ‘burning bush,’ the first thing God told him was to...
Wonders, Miracles & Blessings
It came to mind that I should share some of the wonders, miracles and blessings God has worked in the lives of m...
Your Crown
A few Feasts ago, one of the crafts associated with Bible lessons for children was to make a crown. That day th...
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