Life is precious to us. We don't want to die. But what really happens to us after death?
To understand death, we must first consider life. Where did life come from? Why are we here? What is our purpose? Are human beings any different from other living things?
Death is one of life's greatest mysteries. Do we really die, or do we have a soul that lives on apart from the body?
Some believe that various scriptures support belief in an immortal soul. Let's consider some of these passages and understand what they really say.
Despite widespread use of the phrase immortal soul, this terminology is found nowhere in the Bible. Where did the idea of an immortal soul originate?
The temporary existence that ends in death is not God's original purpose for mankind.
God's Word provides assurance of life after death—though not in a heavenly afterlife as thought by so many!
The idea that souls go to heaven at death originated in pagan religion, not the Bible.
Adjusting to the loss and loneliness caused by death takes time, we need to remember that even this most extreme experience does not separate us or our loved ones from God's plan or His love.
Is life after death experiences possible?
Have any human beings ever ascended to heaven?
Many have assumed from Paul's words here that he believed that at the moment of his death his consciousness would leave his body to join Christ in heaven. But is this the case?
What happens to those who, simply because of when and where they were born, never had an opportunity to hear of Jesus Christ and God's Word? Are they doomed to eternal torment? What exactly does the Bible teach about hell?
Is eternity in an ever-burning inferno the fate of the wicked? Many assume that it is, but is that what the Bible says?
Rather than describing eternal torment of people in hell, from the context we see that this passage is actually describing specific events to take place on earth at the end of this age.
Did Jesus here warn of unending suffering in hellfire?
Any human being thrown into the lake of fire will be destroyed and will not be tormented for eternity.
Many interpret one of Jesus' parables to mean that people have immortal souls that go to heaven or hell immediately at death. But does this parable really say that?
We all have to cope with the loss caused by death. How can we deal with our grief and help others who are grieving?
Here are a few practical ways we can help friends and loved ones who are grieving.
Through a resurrection of the dead, God promises to reunite us with loved ones and offer eternal life to all.