Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

If God is truly a God of love and mercy, why does He not intervene? Some have concluded that God simply doesn't exist. The answer, however, is much more complex. What does the Bible reveal about the causes of suffering?


A World Plagued With Human Suffering

We live in a world of suffering. It falls on the just and the unjust, afflicting all of us at some time. Philosophers, thinkers and theologians have weighed in on the issue for years. We need answers to the problem of human suffering!

A Front-Row Seat for Suffering

Repeated exposure to violence-real and feigned-in news and entertainment hardens us to the real suffering of others.

Why a Loving God Allows Suffering

If God is truly a God of love and mercy, why does He not intervene?

Can We Explain All Suffering?

One of the consequences of humanity's decision to live contrary to God's instruction is a world subject to the capriciousness and vagaries of time and chance and the actions of others.

Satan's Role in Suffering

We can see from various passages within the Bible that Satan exerts a pervasive power over mankind.

How Good Can Come From Suffering

We will all suffer at some time. While it is never pleasant, both history and the Bible show that suffering can, in the end, produce good.

How Events Molded the Character of One Future President

Theodore Roosevelt, as have many others, responded to trials and suffering by accomplishing more than he would have achieved had those tests never happened.

"It Is Appointed for Men to Die Once"

Though death is sad, by no means is it the end of hope. God promises a resurrection to immortality for His faithful servants to reign with Jesus Christ and help Him administer God's Kingdom.

When Will Suffering Cease?

God has a great purpose and plan that extends beyond this life.

Walking Through the Valleys of Life

In this life we face trials. We are constantly exposed to a range of strains and stresses. However, we can call on several strategies to lessen the load. Here are a few effective steps.

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