© Illustration by Michael Woodruff
Bible Personalities: David
He was not what was expected in the model of a king. David was just a youth, more accustomed to tending a flock, than ruling. However, David's divine selection provides a vital lesson.
We know the saying, “you can't judge a book by it's cover.” Yet, we often err in this way when assessing people.
It is true that David was a well-balanced man. He stayed physically fit, wrote poetry and played an instrument. David often showed incredible bravery. In addition, he exercised remarkable self-control waiting for God's timing.
David was not perfect, however. He sinned grievously and the impact lasted throughout his reign. When confronted, David deeply repented to God with his whole heart. David's godly heart was his greatest attribute.
What were David's sins? What were his many triumphs? Uncover answers at:
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