© Illustration by Michael Woodruff
Bible Personalities: Elijah
Ancient Israel was sliding ever more swiftly into abject paganism. Weak King Ahab and his cruel wife, Jezebel, were suffocating Israel under a mantle of evil.
Ahab appears to have honored God early in his reign, as the names of his sons show: Ahaziah (“God possesses”) and Jehoram (“God is high”). Regrettably he acquiesced to the degrading influence of Jezebel, a fanatical Tyrian devotée of her false religion. Ahab had cemented a political alliance between Israel and Phoenicia by marrying Jezebel, daughter of the Phoenician king. The consequences for Israel proved to be disastrous.
Elijah the Tishbite, a faithful prophet of the true God, had learned the fear of God early in his life. His calling was to fight against idolatry and injustice, protesting a corrupt society. Elijah delivered sudden and direct pronouncements. His abrupt appearances and disappearances further created an air of mystery.
After King Ahab’s flagrantly evil acts, God dispatched Elijah to confront him. Elijah proclaimed, “...there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word” (1 Kings 17:1).
The New Testament features this incident as an example of faith and answered prayer (James 5:17-18). In fact, Elijah is portrayed as one of the great men of God. Centuries later, John the Baptist heralded in the “spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17).
You, too, can know the one true God, the God of Elijah. You don't have to wait until mankind has to learn the hard way to acknowledge the true God. Discover more vital life lessons from the life and times of Elijah at:
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