© Illustration by Michael Woodruff
Bible Personalities: Josiah
Josiah was only 8 years old when he ascended the throne of Judah. According to the Scriptures, his father, Amon, was a sinful king, an idolater. His own servants conspired to assassinate him.
While Josiah reigned 31 years in Jerusalem, "he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left" (2 Chronicles 34:2).
Josiah zealously pursued obedience to God. He recognized the calamity that had come on Israel because of the nation's idolatry and disobedience. Thus, Josiah purged the idols from Judah and much of the territory of the former kingdom of Israel.
He then concentrated on restoring the worship of the true God. The Levites collected money to repair the temple of God in Jerusalem. They hired workmen with special skills to lay stone and timber and repair the floors. The efforts were an inspiring sight for those who understood what was taking place. During the reconstruction process, Hilkiah the priest found a scroll of the law of God. That discovery proved to be a turning point in Judah's return to God.
Although Josiah was a man of many admirable qualities, even righteous people can make foolish mistakes. Josiah's greatest mistake—at an early age—cost him his life.
What would motivate an otherwise successful king to presume to meddle in other nations' conflicts? King Josiah had his reasons.
Read a summary of his reign and discover the vital lessons that have been preserved for us in the pages of the Holy Bible:
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