© Illustration by Michael Woodruff
Bible Personalities: Matthew
Matthew resided at Capernaum, on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. At the time, a particularly large population lived and worked around the lake. Its fisheries were a source of livelihood; its surface was busy with navigation and traffic.
The Romans established a customhouse at Capernaum to collect taxes from the lucrative fishing industry as well as on goods flowing along the Via Maris ("Way of the Sea"), the major trade route through the region. Matthew was appointed the tax collector there. He must have enjoyed a profitable position.
By virtue of his office, Matthew spoke fluent Greek, the official language, and Aramaic, the local tongue. His literacy and competency in comprehensive record keeping led him to becoming an educated writer.
In a despised tax collector, Jesus of Nazareth visualized the potential writer of the world's best-known gospel.
Matthew was called to the high honor of becoming one of Jesus' disciples and original 12 apostles. He accepted Jesus' call immediately. Matthew witnessed and carefully recorded the life and teachings of Christ, His crucifixion and resurrection.
Jesus is calling many people to represent Him on earth today. Will you answer that call as Matthew did? Learn more about Matthew's life at:
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