Teen Bible Discussion Guides
The Teen Bible Study Discussion Guides were created by volunteers, including young adults, ministers and concerned parents to offer some meaningful subjects to discuss with your youth group.
The guides are not meant to be the definitive doctrinal paper on any subject but rather a discussion guide that will help a facilitator/instructor cover subjects of interest to teens. Parents may want to use these at home in a private family discussion.
UCG Youth Web Site
The church's Youth Education Committee oversees and develops the different features of this Web site. The site is devoted to providing today's youth with relevant educational resources from a biblical perspective, and to promoting programs that help develop strong spiritual and moral character in the next generation of leaders.
United Youth Camps
The mission of the United Youth Camps program is to support parents and the Church in teaching youth to develop
their potential while learning that God’s values are practical and work. The United Church of God, an International Association sponsors eight United Youth Camps in the United States, and other camps in select international areas.
Compass Check Magazine
Compass Check is a biblically-based magazine for young people affiliated of the United Church of God, an International Association. Our name, Compass Check, describes youth aged 12-18 pointing their spiritual compass toward God.